Um...first, let me be completely honest and say that I would listen to anything that these three women produced. They could play didgeridoos through delay pedals and I would try really hard to like it. (I turned 31 today and full disclosure is the new policy, even if you're not asking for it) That said, so far, it hasn't been difficult to like
Au Revoir Simone. The lack of pretense is refreshing for a trio of Willaimsburg hipsters; simple, content before fashion, uncomplicated songwriting. Then there's
The Teenagers, who it's harder to like, probably because they look like guys that Au Revoir Simone would date. But I don't think they're good enough. They're dirty. They look like they do a lot of coke and fuck without condoms. Plus I'm not suuuper impressed with their original material. It's a little gimicky for my taste. However, the remixes they've been putting out are spectacular, (I highly recommed the
Scanners Lowlife remix on their
myspace) especially this take on ARS's "Fallen Snow."
Oh yeah, and if you can tell me what movie "Au Revoir Simone" is a reference to you win the my new best friend award.
"Fallen Snow (Teenagers Remix)" Au Revoir Simone (BUY IT)PS Just found this
video for the original version of Fallen Snow.