Well, I finally got my first feature film financed. It's called Control Alt Delete. We start shooting May 5 so things are already in over-drive. Plus, both my brothers are getting married in the next two months. (the baby one in France in two weeks, the middle one here in June) All this is to break the news that I will be taking a short hiatus from this blog.
Stop crying.
I'll return with more self-important music advice in June. In the meantime, why don't you lazy-asses tell me what to listen to for a while? Do I look like I have time to surf the internet for the next big thing? No sir.
Since I'm going off to make this movie, I thought I would be cool to post the song that inspired it some years ago. It's a tune by my teenage idols, No Means No.
Talk soon.
"Real Love" No Means No (MP3) (BUY)