What's happening to me? When did I start digging twinky scandinavian electro-pop? If my sixteen-year-old-self could see me now he would puke all over his Bad Religion t-shirt. Forgive me.
"All This Love" The Similou (BUY)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
2006 Top Ten

2006 Best Albums
1. Hot Chip - The Warning
2. TV on the Radio - Return To Cookie Mountain
3. The Knife - Silent Shout
4. The Hold Steady - Boys and Girls in America
5. Band of Horses - Everything All The Time
6. Junior Boys - So This is Goodbye
7. Girl Talk - Night Ripper
8. Ladyhawk - Ladyhawk*
9. Grandaddy - Just Like The Fambly Cat
10. Danielson - Ships
*Just a week into the new year, I really have to add Grizzly Bear's Yellow Houses to this list. Probably at the expense of Ladyhawk. Sorry guys.
And just cause I can't resist, here are my favourite songs of the year.
1. Never Be Alone - Justice vs Simian
2. Over and Over - Hot Chip
3. We Share Our Mothers Health - The Knife
4. Playhouses - TV on the Radio
5. In The Morning - Junior Boys
6. The Greatest - Cat Power
7. Beng Beng - Gyptian
8. Waters of Nazareth - Justice
9. Lowlife - Scanners
10. All Fires - Swan Lake
11. Launch Yourself - Adem
12. Chillout Tent - The Hold Steady
13. Ross Ross Ross - Sebastian
14. My Love - Justin Timberlake
15. Funeral - Band of Horses
16. LDN - Lily Allen
17. Ghetto Story - Cham
18. Notorious - Turbulence
19. The Dugout - Ladyhawk
20. The Devil - The Rapture
Thursday, December 21, 2006
"Big Money" Lexicon

I gotta up my boys Lexicon from LA. First of all, they're brothers. Second of all, they've been plugging away at this shit for like ten years. Third of all, their new ep, Rapstars, kills. It's the same sharp, funny rhymes we've come to expect, but they're riding over classic-rock, punk and even disco inspired beats. Good one.
"Big Money" Lexicon
Sunday, December 17, 2006
"Over and Over" Hot Chip (video)
I've been hyping Hot Chip since I started this thing but I hadn't seen this video until today. It's pretty much the best music video ever. My eyes were laughing and cumming at the same time.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The Pixies on SNUB tv (1988)
YouTube sure is fun for music fans. Search Guided By Voices or Pavement or N.W.A. and see how many videos come back. Or The Pixies. Well, I've saved you the trouble of sifting through the hundreds of mediocre cel phone recordings of their 2003 show in Des Moines by posting this little jem. It's an appearance on a late-night BBC show called SNUB TV, circa 1988. They play Dead and I Bleed in promotion of their forth-coming album, Doolittle. And there's some funny interview footage with Kim trying to explain the name of the band.
Friday, December 08, 2006
"Rick Rubin (White Girl Lust Remix)" Spank Rock

"Rick Rubin (White Girl Lust Remix)" Spank Rock
Monday, December 04, 2006
TV On The Radio on AOL Music

AOL is the best. They're repping indie-rock till they fuckin die. They just have to unplug the guitars so the soccer-moms can get the kids to the game in one peice. For real though, this is a very nice recording from AOL Music's "alternative" platform, The Interface. Brooklyn's finest play three acoustic (almost psychedelic...) pieces and then have an entertaining chat with a star-struck host.
TV On The Radio on The Interface
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"Don't Be Shy" Spektrum
I thought I was transitioning out of my disco phase. But alas, all it takes is a sick-ass bassline and a hot girl with a gap in her teeth singing about getting a facial (not like a spa facial...) to pull me back in. Oh well... Get used to it, Hitler.
"Don't Be Shy" Spektrum
"Don't Be Shy" Spektrum
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"Burning" The Whitest Boy Alive

"Burning" The Whitest Boy Alive
Friday, November 17, 2006
"Are You The One" The Presets
One of my favorite things about this whole internet music movement is the crazy amount of remixing going on. I played a party recently where I mixed four different versions of The Knife's "We Share Our Mother's Health" together. How fun. Perhaps it's a phase but I don't think so. It's almost like there's no such thing as a finished product anymore. Everything is a work in progress, zipping back and forth as ones and zeros, evolving though time and space. To illustrate my point, I'll enlist the help of Sydney duo The Presets who have been at the centre of a flurry of re-edits. Their song "Are You The One" is a certified party starter. But why stop there? Throw a james-murphy-disco-beat underneath it. Or strip the drums right down to the raw hi-hat and kick and see if it still moves asses. It's like lego, except you can get laid doing it.
"Are You The One" The Presets
"Are You The One (club edit)" The Presets
"Are You The One (Van She NYC Tech Mix)" The Presets
"Are You The One (Simian Moblie Disco Remix)" The Presets
"Are You The One" The Presets
"Are You The One (club edit)" The Presets
"Are You The One (Van She NYC Tech Mix)" The Presets
"Are You The One (Simian Moblie Disco Remix)" The Presets
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
"Lazy Eye" Silversun Pickups

"Lazy Eye" Silversun Pickups
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Hornby Island

I'm on the enchanted island of Hornby (which the Haida refused to settle on because it was sacred but the white man had zero problem settling on)doing a music/writing session with my brother, Ty. So, sorry for no new posts. I'm a little obsessed with this old Cat Power song though, if you're interested. I'm also a little obsessed with the old, damaged, boozed-up Cat Power. She was so...bloated.
PS There was for real a rainbow over hornby on the fairy ride in. Good omen?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
"Drop It Like It's Hot (DatA remix)" Snoop Dogg

"Drop It Like It's Hot (DatA remix)" Snoop Dogg
Monday, October 30, 2006
"Whites Only Party" The Dears
The Dears are finally getting fawned over like they deserve to be. No Cities Left got a little lost in the shadow of a record called Funeral by another Montreal band who's name I forget. But their new album, Gang of Losers, is topping college charts and LastFM lists the world over. They just released this clever little video for the second single, Whites Only Party.
"Whites Only Party" The Dears
"Whites Only Party" The Dears
Monday, October 23, 2006
"I Wanna Bite Ya" & "Bolton Wanderer" Planningtorock
Two Planningtorock posts in a row. What can I say? The spell is cast. Janine Rostron is a Berlin-based musician/ performance/video artist, with what can safely be describe as a singular vision. Like Bjork (or her hubbie Matthew Barney) her focus is on self-portraiture, twisting her body and voice into bizarre and uncomfortable positions to see where they break. She makes videos for most of her songs, which seem less like promotional tools than missing puzzle pieces. I highly recommend youtubing her when you've got about half an hour to kill. And here are a couple of tracks from her debut LP, Have It All.
"I Wanna Bite Ya" Planningtorock
"Bolton Wanderer" Planningtorock
Monday, October 16, 2006
"Heartbeats (planningtorock remix)" The Knife

The Knife are fascinating. Brother and sister duo from Stockholm, they've built quite a mythology though their reluctance to play live, their firm anti-corporate stance and their masked press photos. None of which would matter if their music wasn't brilliant; sprawling clickety dance beats, thick bass, insidious melodies and those angry/hopeful/scandinavian voices. A lot of people have had a go at this song. You may be familiar with Jose Gonzalez's simonandgarfunkeled cover which is better than warm milk for insomnia. Planningtorock (the new bjork, but british) gets all stringy and spacious on this remix. I'm amazed at how malleable The Knife's vocal melodies are. It seems like you can recast their songs in almost any key and it fits perfectly. Weird.
"Heartbeats (planningtorock remix)" The Knife
Here's a bonus link to a demo version of their latest single...
"Like A Pen (demo version)" The Knife
Friday, October 06, 2006
Justice Minimix
Admittedly, I’m a little bit obsessed with Ed Banger Records out of Paris. Especially Justice. I’ve been playing a lot of them at parties lately. About 15 people go nuts while the rest of the floor dances politely, waiting for me to play another Bloc Party remix. I don’t know about this DJ stuff. Here’s a nice little minimix of Justice material.
Justice Minimix
Justice Minimix
Monday, October 02, 2006
"Chips Ahoy" The Hold Steady

To celebrate the release of The Hold Steady's new album, Boys & Girls In America, here's the first single, "Chips Ahoy." I haven't heard the whole album yet but if the critics are to be believed, it's better than Dark Side of the Moon, OK Computer and Pet Sounds put together.
"Chips Ahoy" The Hold Steady
Also, I was pleased to find a free download of this instant classic from their last album on their website. Thanks guys.
"Your Little Hoodrat Friend" The Hold Steady
Thursday, September 21, 2006
"Launch Yourself" Adem
Fridge was these two guys who started making interesting experimental (post-rock?) music in the late 90's when they were super young. They were very pretty and spacious and unpredictable and challenging, like Tortoise on valuum. When they broke up, one of the guys went on to become Four Tet, the brooding, chain-smoking, increasingly pretentious laptop star. I always wondered what happened to the other guy; the guy who didn't go on to become Four Tet. Well, it turns out, that guy (Adem Ilhan) went on to become Adem. This video is so up my alley I kinda want to strangle him. Great song.
"Launch Yourself" Adem
And if you like that, Hot Chip did a fun crazy little fun remix. Those guys...
"Launch Yourself (Hot Chip Remix)" Adem
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
"All Fires" Swan Lake

"All Fires" Swan Lake
Friday, September 01, 2006
Mad Decent Radio Podcast

Mad Decent Worldwide Radio #5
Monday, August 28, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
"Dancing Girls and Dancing Men" Robert Pollard

"Dancing Girls And Dancing Men" Robert Pollard
Saturday, August 12, 2006
"In The Morning" Junior Boys

"In The Morning" Junior Boys
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Follow this link and click on "Audio - Video":
Largo Website
Monday, August 07, 2006
"Funeral" Band of Horses

"Funeral" Band of Horses
Friday, August 04, 2006
Media Update

Hope everyone's summer is going swimmingly.
PS If you haven't met the grape lady, say hello to fucking hilarious...
Grape Lady (video)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
"Lowlife" Scanners

"Lowlife" Scanners
Monday, July 31, 2006
"Cowbell" Tapes 'n Tapes

"Cowbell" Tapes 'n Tapes
Thursday, July 27, 2006
"Night Rider" Girl Talk

PS I'm going to start linking to existing mp3 downloads whenever possible (label sites, etc.) so the tracks will be available indefinitely.
"Smash You Head" Girl Talk
"Bounce That" Girl Talk
"Hold Up" Girl Talk
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
"Playhouses" TV on the Radio

"Playhouses" TV on the Radio (dead link)
Sunday, July 23, 2006
"Ya Playin Yaself (Mugwort)" MF Doom vs Jeru The Damaja

"Ya Playin Yaself (Mugwort)" MF Doom vs Jeru The Damaja (dead link)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
"Did I Step On Your Trumpet" Danielson

"Did I Step On Your Trumpet" Danielson
Thursday, July 06, 2006
"Still Life" The Russian Futurists

"Still Life" The Russian Futurists (dead link)
"Paul Simon" The Russian Futurists (permanent link)
Friday, June 23, 2006
"Knock That Door" Enon

"Knock That Door" Enon (dead link)
Friday, June 16, 2006
"Everywhere" Paul Devro

"Everywhere" Paul Devro (dead link)
PS Lots of great mixes on his website.
Friday, June 09, 2006
"I Need Love" LL Cool J

"I Need Love" LL Cool J (dead link)
Monday, June 05, 2006
"The Dugout" Ladyhawk

"The Dugout" Ladyhawk
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
"The Spell" The Black Heart Procession

"The Spell" The Black Heart Procession (dead link)
"Not Just Words" The Black Heart Procession (permanent link)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
"I Need Somebody" Iggy and the Stooges

"I Need Somebody" Iggy and The Stooges (dead link)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
"The Animal World" Grandaddy

"The Animal World" Grandaddy (dead link)
Can't find any free mp3 links to the new album, but if you haven't seen this video, you haven't lived.
"Nature Anthem" Grandaddy (video)
Monday, May 08, 2006
"Way Out" Yeah Yeah Yeahs

"Way Out" Yeah Yeah Yeahs (dead link)
*I stand corrected. This dude comes pretty close...
Cheated Hearts (video)
Friday, May 05, 2006
"It's For You" Out Hud

Out Hud are some of the kids from !!! who wanted to do something more "electronic" or "studio based" or something. They have funny names for their songs, like, "Dad, There's a Little Phrase Called Too Much Information" and, "The Song So Good They Named It Thrice." As the rock kids continue their conquest of dance music, I like the Out Hud plan of attack. They're taking indie/punk/funk aesthetics and applying them to more traditionally electronic forms, rather than the other way around. This song is from their second full length, "Let Us Never Speak Of It Again."
"It's For You" Out Hud (dead link)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
"I Need You" No Means No

"I Need You" No Means No (dead link)
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
"Marquee Moon" Television

"Marquee Moon" Television (dead link)
Monday, April 24, 2006
"Fraud In The 80's" Mates of State

"Fraud In The 80's" Mates of State (video)
Friday, April 21, 2006
"Boy From School" Hot Chip

"Boy From School" Hot Chip (dead link)
Check out this fancy little sampler of Hot Chip's newest.
The Warning
Saturday, April 15, 2006
"Just Like Heaven" David Sugar

"Just Like Heaven" David Sugar
Saturday, April 08, 2006
"Fuck The Valley Fudge" Grandaddy

R.I.P. you depressed bastards.
"Fuck The Valley Fudge" Grandaddy (dead link)
"The Gap" You Say Party! We Say Die!

"The Gap" You Say Party! We Say Die!
"Cold Hands! Hot Bodies!" You Say Party! We Say Die!
Monday, April 03, 2006
"When I Call A Name" Michael Andrews
Michael Andrews is the guy you want to score your film. He wrote the creepy-dreamy-pretty Donnie Darko score and the quirky-arty-spacey Me And You And Everyone We Know score, which is where this track comes from. One listen to these scores and you quickly realize just how much the music contributes to the tone of the films. It is the tone. I predict that Michael Andrews will become one of the top composers in the movies, but hopefully not before I can get my hands on him. It's hard to pick a track from the Me And You score but this one has Miranda July's monologue off the top and her voice has a way of making you feel like everything is okay.
"When I Call A Name" Michael Andrews
"When I Call A Name" Michael Andrews
Sunday, April 02, 2006
"Everyday Is Like Sunday" Colin Meloy
Colin Meloy is the genius behind The Decemberists. The dude can write a song. He can also sing a song. Even a Morrissey song. He's recently released a full studio cd of Morrissey covers but I've chosen this live cut cause I think it really shows off his pipes. Amazing how you could beleive this was a decemberists song if you had never heard it before.
"Everyday Is Like Sunday" Colin Meloy
"Everyday Is Like Sunday" Colin Meloy
Saturday, April 01, 2006
"Oh! Brother" The Fall
For years, I've been naggingly aware of The Fall's immense influence on just about everything I've ever listened to but, perhaps out of laziness, I never got into them. So, I'm going through my requisite Fall period now. Better late than never I suppose.
"Oh! Brother" The Fall
"Oh! Brother" The Fall
"Dancing Girls and Dancing Men" Robert Pollard
T'was only a matter of time before this man appeared in my humble blog. Arguably the best songwriter of our time, Pollard was the centrepiece of the now defunct Guided By Voices. He has recently retired that name after 20 years of astoundingly prolific recording. This is his first solo album since the dissolution of the band and, really, it picks up right where they left off. So, for all intents and purposes, it looks like GBV is still with us.
"Dancing Girls and Dancing Men" Robert Pollard
"Dancing Girls and Dancing Men" Robert Pollard
Monday, March 27, 2006
"Friend of Mine" The National
I don't know much about The National. Just that this cd has been steadily growing on me for months now.
"Friend of Mine" The National
"Friend of Mine" The National
"The Ice Storm" The Go! Team
More exclamation marks! The Go! Team's debut cd "Thunder, Lightning, Strike" was one of my favourite albums of last year. Their music is difficult to describe but I can invoke the following references with some confidence: sonic youth, broken social scene, afrika bombata and sesame street. They were kind enough to release a new ep recently and it's just as good. This song is kind of an anomaly for them, in that there's no singing or rapping or even shouting and also no driving drum line. What it does have is the same joyful optimism that characterizes all their songs. Put it on repeat and write your first novel.
"The Ice Storm" The Go! Team
"The Ice Storm" The Go! Team
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
"The Fire In Which You Burn" Company Flow
Company Flow and El-P’s various off-shoots kept me interested in hip hop through the late 90’s and early 2000's. When this album finally made it’s way to my delicate west-coast ears it sounded so hard I started riding the underground part of the skytrain with it blasting in my headphones just to feel down. It was the first time I realized that some dudes could just make a hip hop record in their basement and it could kill anything else out there. I even love the tinny production and tape hiss. It sounds as fresh now as it did when it was released almost ten years ago, which isn't saying much for the state of the genre. El-P’s verse on this track is still my favourite in any song, ever.
"The Fire In Which You Burn" Company Flow
"The Fire In Which You Burn" Company Flow
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"Hounds Of Love (Phones' Wolves At The Door Remix)" The Futureheads
I have to admit to being a bit of a sucker for these indie rock dancefloor remixes. The Futureheads CD is amazing and I should really be posting a song from that album but this remix is so damn catchy, I'm powerless against it. Phones' is the guy (guys? girls?) who did the disco version of Banquet on the Bloc Party remix album. That track can get people on the floor like nobody's business. The trend is definitely teetering on the edge of annoying, but probably only because of the lazy contributions made by every dude with a laptop and a pair of chucks. These remixes shouldn't be relied on to get people dancing to rock songs (not now, just when we were learning to dance to real drums again) but if they stand up on their own I'm all for them.
"Hounds Of Love (Phones' Wolves At The Door Remix)" The Futureheads
"Hounds Of Love (Phones' Wolves At The Door Remix)" The Futureheads
Sunday, March 19, 2006
"Chewing Gum" Annie
Honestly, I can’t delineate my appreciation of Annie’s sparkly pop from my school-boy crush on her. But I think I really like it. This song is silly but the production is really interesting and Annie’s little Norwegian voice is super hot, especially when she talks to herself. If this song doesn't grab you, try getting a crush on her by visiting her website. I recommend the video section.
"Chewing Gum" Annie
"Chewing Gum" Annie
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
"Proposition 61" The Most Serene Republic
I saw these kids (and I mean kids) play their first Vancouver show at the Media Club last year and despite the terrible sound and noisy crowd I suspected I was hearing something great. Then I picked up the CD and found that I was right. All dreamy, weird and layered indie rock. Then I dragged some friends out to a little club in LA on a monday night to watch them systematically dismantle the icy silverlake hipster-stares until every face wore a smile. I felt proud. Best Canadian album of last year.
"Proposition 61" The Most Serene Republic
"Proposition 61" The Most Serene Republic
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
"Notorious" Turbulence
I suppose I owe my new-found interest in dancehall, however indirectly, to Geordie. He hipped Matt to this track. And Matt to me. And now it's my favotite song to drop at a party, especially parties with my stoner friends, who take surfing trips to Tofino and work in the film industry. They love this shit. It's all positive and about god and everything. Bo!
"Notorious" Turbulence
"Notorious" Turbulence
"Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood" my!gay!husband! vs Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
Holy Exclamation Marks! Local DJ extraordinaire my!gay!husband! puts a little bang into this Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! song. Nothing too intrusive, just a few dance-floor accents in case you weren't jumping around your kitchen enough whilst listening to this album. If you're already familiar with CYHSY save this one for your next living-room party. If not, this will serve as a fine introduction.
"Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood" my!gay!husband! vs Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
"Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood" my!gay!husband! vs Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
"Give the Drummer Some" Ultramagnetic Mc's
Kool Keith was cooler before he got so cool. Ultramagnetic can stand with Eric B and Rakim, 3rd Bass, BDP and any other late 80's sample-driven New York hip hop you care to mention but, somehow, they seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle. This song makes me want to grow a cameo and learn how to drop the needle.
"Give the Drummer Some" Ultramagnetic MC's
"Give the Drummer Some" Ultramagnetic MC's
Monday, March 13, 2006
"Modern Art" Art Brut
In my lifelong quest to avoid any endeavour which could result in my life acquiring some meaning, I have started this MP3 blog. Enjoy...
I discovered this Art Brut album about a week ago, found it a little on the silly side (it's called "Bang Bang Rock and Roll" which could go either way) but something stuck and now I can't stop listening. I know I'll forget all about it in another week but in the meantime...rock out.
Hit this link and download the file from yousendit.com...
"Modern Art" Art Brut
I discovered this Art Brut album about a week ago, found it a little on the silly side (it's called "Bang Bang Rock and Roll" which could go either way) but something stuck and now I can't stop listening. I know I'll forget all about it in another week but in the meantime...rock out.
Hit this link and download the file from yousendit.com...
"Modern Art" Art Brut
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